Model of drip irrigation network with local material based for agricultural small land


  • Dadang Ridwan Experimental Station for Irrigation, Research Center for Water Resources, Ministry of Public Work



network models, drip irrigation, local materials, agriculture, small land


The existence of a broad decline in land ownership,model of drip irrigation network with local material based is expected to be appropriate technologies model for farmers especially to optimize the utilization of small land for agriculture. The objective of this research was to develop drip-irrigation network based on local material, with low investment cost, easy implementation and had a good performance. The research was carried out using experimental method. The research was conducted at the Outdoor Laboratory of Experimental Station for Irrigation. The result of study showed that the network model has a good performance with distribution uniformity (DU) value 85.88%, and much cheaper (around 56.70% ) than fabricated of drip irrigation with standard materials. A side that implementation of this irrigation network model was feasible, and potential for small land use with less than 1000 m2, with the pattern of irrigation operations is in turn per each irrigation blocks.


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How to Cite

Ridwan, D. (2013). Model of drip irrigation network with local material based for agricultural small land. Jurnal Irigasi, 8(2), 90–98.