Irrigation operation and maintenance management system integration of irrigation water rotation scheduling


  • Hasna Soraya Balai Teknik Irigasi, Ditjen Sumber Daya Air, Kementerian PUPR
  • Hanhan Ahmad Sofiyuddin Balai Teknik Irigasi, Ditjen Sumber Daya Air, Kementerian PUPR
  • Susilowati Direktorat Stabilisasi Pasokan dan Harga Pangan, Badan Pangan Nasional
  • Adel Kasoema Putri Balai Teknik Irigasi, Ditjen Sumber Daya Air, Kementerian PUPR



K factor, water balance, irrigation operation, SMOPI, water supply rotation


The gap between water availability and water demand can be a significant challenge for the operation of the irrigation network. One approach to addressing this issue is to implement a rotational system for water distribution. However, while a proportional rotation schedule can ensure better uniformity, additional technical variables should be considered to further improve irrigation services. This study aims to create and apply methods for rotational water delivery systems by considering location, sufficiency, equity, and timeliness. This method was implemented as a module on the Irrigation Operations and Maintenance Management System (SMOPI), which has been widely used in many irrigation areas in Indonesia. During water shortage, particularly when the K factor is less than 70%, this module could be activated. Each criterion is integrated with the factual information inputted by the officer in the SMOPI to schedule the irrigation rotation. This study was conducted as a case study in the Ciliman Irrigation Area Banten. Based on simulation result, the proposed method led to an increase in planting area of approximately 7% of the area. This tool could be beneficial for field officers in calculating and distributing irrigation water while optimizing the amount of water allocated to each tertiary plot.


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How to Cite

Soraya, H., Sofiyuddin, H. A., Susilowati, & Putri, A. K. (2023). Irrigation operation and maintenance management system integration of irrigation water rotation scheduling. Jurnal Irigasi, 17(2), 37–44.

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