Software development for analyzing the adaptability of irrigation infrastructure to climate change


  • Yuli Suharnoto IPB University
  • Rizaldi Boer IPB University
  • Chusnul Arif IPB University
  • M. Ardiansyah IPB University



Climate-proof, Climate Change, Cropping Intensity, Peak Discharge Requirement, MATLAB, EXCEL


Computer software for climate-proof irrigation infrastructure has been developed. The software is designed to compute decreasing cropping intensity and increasing peak discharge requirements due to climate change. To be user friendly, the data input and output are written in MS Excel file format, which is widely used in engineering calculation. The tool has been tested in the North Tarum Irrigation scheme with a total irrigation area of 85.287 hectares, consisting of 126 secondary blocks. Based on the calculation, climate change will decrease cropping intensity from 100% up to 71% from October to March and from April to September, it will decrease the cropping intensity from 83% to 54% for all scenarios of climate change (RCP_2.6 to RCP_8.5). Because climate change will increase evapotranspiration, and in several months will decrease precipitation, then the peak discharge requirement will also affect. In the main Leuweung Seureuh Weir, the peak discharge will increase from 72.18 m3/sec up to 76.14 m3/sec. Consequently, the discharges in the canal downstream are also increasing. In the primary canal North Citarum East (SI TUT), the discharge will increase from 29.58 m3/sec to 30.63 m3/sec while primary canal North Citarum West (SI TUB), the discharge will increase from 34.12 m3/sec to 36.18 m3/sec.


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How to Cite

Suharnoto, Y., Boer, R., Arif, C., & Ardiansyah, M. (2023). Software development for analyzing the adaptability of irrigation infrastructure to climate change . Jurnal Irigasi, 17(2), 1–11.

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