Identification of the condition and function of irrigation assets in the Bedadung Irrigation Area, Jember Regency, East Java


  • Bintang Candra Jatmiko Master Program in Agricultural Water Resources Management, Graduate School, Jember University
  • Idah Andriyani Master Program in Agricultural Water Resources Management, Graduate School, Jember University
  • Heru Ernanda Master Program in Agricultural Water Resources Management, Graduate School, Jember University
  • Maulana Akbar Master Program in Agricultural Water Resources Management, Graduate School, Jember University



irrigation services, irrigation area, operation, maintenance, assets management, priority ranking


The agricultural sector is expected to contribute as a form of food security in Indonesia. The strategy used is to improve the performance of irrigation infrastructure by assessing the irrigation system sector. Bedadung Irrigation System irrigates 13,245 ha which is the largest irrigation system in Jember Regency. Based on this, it is necessary to assess the condition and functioning of irrigation assets in the Bedadung Irrigation System. This assessment was carried out based on the existing condition of irrigation assets in 2021. The results showed that the Bedadung Irrigation System had 439 irrigation assets spread over 26 irrigation areas. The condition of irrigation assets is classified as good with a percentage of 69% while the rest of the assets are damaged by a percentage of 31%. The results of the functioning of assets are 51% with good functioning conditions while the remaining 49% with poor and poor functioning conditions. Based on the effectiveness of irrigation water distribution, 165 tertiary plots (98.8%) experienced a surplus of irrigation water. Based on asset priority, it is necessary to repair assets in B. BAR. 1b. Based on the results of the study, it is shown that the operation and maintenance of irrigation networks currently being carried out is still not optimal. This is indicated by the damage to irrigation assets that can affect irrigation performance, especially irrigation services which will greatly affect land productivity. In order to maximize the maintenance of irrigation networks, it is recommended to determine the Real Operation and Maintenance Needs Number (AKNOP) based on the conditions of the irrigation assets.


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How to Cite

Jatmiko, B. C., Andriyani, I., Ernanda, H., & Akbar, M. (2023). Identification of the condition and function of irrigation assets in the Bedadung Irrigation Area, Jember Regency, East Java. Jurnal Irigasi, 16(2), 1–12.